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Space'. A concept that I want to give me a warm and familiar feeling. That I associate with... coming home. Coming home? Coming home! I want that. I want to be home. My space feels like home! "
I continued to build on this wat of thinking with the first follow-up question: where do I feel at home? The answer was already quite easy to give: 
. At my parents' house 
. At my boyfriend's house 
. In my student house.
 . On the hockey field  

After staring at this list for a while, I realized something. When I think of these spaces and I visualize them. Then there is one thing that strikes me. I don't just see the space in front of me... I don't just experience the space itself. There are also people. People who belong to that 'Space'. My parents. My boyfriend. My roommate. Ans my hockey team. They make my 'Space' 'Home' home. 
Given that a 'Space' can have a familiar feeling. It feels like coming home when I am with them.So it's not just the 'Space' in that affects my sense of being at home. The people I associate with it  play a very important role in this. They make me feel 'at home'.

You can see the process in the link:


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